Mikael Ananda offers private coaching for individuals and groups. He teaches the Way of the Awakened Warrior through his unique approach, focusing on building strength, fostering personal responsibility, and developing intuitive guidance. Contact for more information on available courses.
The Awakened Warrior

The Awakened Warrior is a four-week introductory online course where we will study the main practices of the Lotus Teachings. Using the book – The Awakened Warrior – as study material we will go deeper into the different areas of knowledge and explore how we can apply them in our own lifes.
* Meditation
* Chi Gong
* Tantra
* Empathic Communication
* Shamanic Ceremonies
The course includes study material, several hours of video presentation and video instructions for the different practices.
Sign up for the online course for $148. The course will be adapted to student needs and available time.
The course includes study material, several hours of video presentation, and instructions for the different practices. As a subscriber, you will get access to the e-book, talks and online group meetings and coaching. You will also get access to four more e-books that Mikael Ananda has written. “Speaking with Compassion”, “Speaking with an Open Heart”, “Shambala Vision” and “Introduction to Tantra”.
Bonus: Four other titles by Mikael Ananda
Listen to the first video from the online course.
The book is your guide to personal awakening and the foundation for building an enlightened society. Join Mikael Ananda on his journey as he uncovers the key principles that empower the rise of The Awakened Warrior.
Within these pages lies the essential knowledge to break free from the Matrix and reclaim your power. Through Empathic Communication, Political Activism, Meditation, Shamanic Ceremonies, and Community Organization, you’ll gain the tools to transform yourself and the world around you.

The Awakened Warrior is the autobiography of Mikael Ananda Cromsjö. Mikael has been practicing meditation since he was six years old and has gone through a series of profound awakenings. In 2004, he became a political activist and a central figure in the Swedish truth movement. In this book, he combines spiritual and political awakenings to form a blueprint for becoming a spiritual warrior and creating an enlightened society.
How can we break free from the Matrix? What does the Great Awakening really mean? And how can you step into the role of a Spiritual Warrior?
This is my story—the journey of how I became a spiritual warrior. In The Awakened Warrior, you’re invited to follow my path, beginning with my spiritual awakening as a child, which set me on a course to uncover the truths about our world and become a political activist and spiritual teacher.
As you dive into this book, you’ll learn the key teachings I rediscovered on how to train both body and mind, preparing you to become a teacher of the new tradition. This awakening is not just my own; it’s a global phenomenon, a natural movement that is already happening. The knowledge is out there—we just need to find it and apply it.
In this book, I share the most crucial information of our time. You’ll discover how to sharpen your mind to cut through the layers of lies fed to us by the world. You’ll learn how to develop a stable mind grounded in clear logic and reasoning, how to awaken your inner guide through deep intuitive meditation, and how to live a life of abundance while enjoying the beauty of simplicity.
The Awakened Warrior is not just my journey—it’s a blueprint for the liberation of the human race. It all starts with you. Join me on this path to awakening and become a part of the revolution. Together, we can create the world we want to live in.
From the book..
The Awakening
It all started very early for me. One of the first memories I have is of the many long nights lying in bed, unable to sleep. As a child, I experienced many problems with pains in my body. However, more than the pain of my headache or stomachache, there was a feeling of separation that created great sorrow in my heart. The intensity of the feelings that swept over me pushed me further and further, bringing me into new states of consciousness. All that time awake initiated a strange and beautiful journey for me.
After lying in bed for a long time, I could not find anything to think about. The sound of the clock in my room absorbed my awareness. Tick, tick, tick, tick. I remember that the sound was so loud and intense. After a while, my senses started to get more acute and more in tune with the surroundings. I remember listening to the sound created by my pillow when moving my head slightly. The sound was so strong and so clear, like walking in thick snow on a cold day. I could hear my own breath, slow and rhythmic, my heart beating and the sound of the blood in my veins. It all was so clear and strong.
My nightly adventures turned into a routine. If I would focus with all of my attention on one point, like my breath, I would get deeper and deeper into the experience. Often the breath played a big role by complementing and giving more focus to whatever was happening. Sometimes I was breathing fast, sometimes very slow. The breath had a life of its own and all I did was to follow it with great interest to see what would happen next. At the time, I had fno direct goal with the experience. It was more something happening to me than something I was trying to create. I just put my focus where it wanted to be and waited with curiosity for what would come next.
Eventually, the sensations absorbed me so totally that there was nothing to do but surrender everything, leaving everything behind. No thought, no reflection, nothing but pure impression. Time stood still as I moved through a tunnel of white light. Slowly I moved further into the light. After a while, I felt as if I was standing in front of a great gate. All my energy was focused on the door, and I was getting closer and closer. As I surrendered deeper into the experience, I could see the doors opening slowly and a bright light was coming out showering me with its rays. I entered the gate, and everything was suddenly totally calm.
Thank you for everything you share in “The Awakened Warrior”. It is truly a powerful story you tell, a story about a boy who gains deep insights about existence early on, in an environment and culture that does not promote or support what lies outside the norm.
When I read your book, I realize that throughout my own journey, I have actually always had brothers and sisters out there who have also “fought” against convention; I just didn’t know it. Thank you for your courage and strength in putting into words the sense of alienation that many of us, so-called spiritual individuals, have experienced during our younger years!
It is very liberating to read when you talk about your sexual awakening and tantra in your book. You also share insights about dance and psychedelics, and many other paths that our bodies can guide us towards the light. The light, which you so beautifully describe as a door whose threshold should not be crossed until “the awakened warrior” is ready—ready to die, ready to live.
I also feel that with this beautiful text, you inspire others to start sharing their life stories. We all have unique paths and stories that have brought us to this NOW. When we accept our journey and stand completely naked in the truth, we free ourselves from karma. Thank you for inspiring, Mikael, thank you for living the wisdom.
– Eric Amarillo, Sound Healer