Lotus Community


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To access this section you need to become a community member.  

You can buy the e-book or pre-order the Pocket Book and get the first month membership for free.

  • Get the e-book for $4.80 and one months member access to the community. Exclusive content, community meetings and special offers.
    To pre-order the book you pay $4.80 upfront and then $24 when the book becomes available. You will also get the e-book and community subscription. The cost of shipping from Sweden will be added.
    Get full access to the community and all resources and e-books. $12 will be drawn from your PayPal every month until you cancel the subscription.
    Contribute to the community by becoming a silver member. $24 will be drawn from your PayPal every month until you cancel the subscription.
    Contribute to the community by becoming a gold member. $48 will be drawn from your PayPal every month until you cancel the subscription.